Xpectation Remastered CD
Catalog # Sab 260A
Release Year 2017
CD Length  71:31
Date/Venue Xpectation Album & Other
Source Soundboard Recordings / Official
Quality EX+
Rating 2.75/5.0

Track Listing
 Xpectation Album
1. Xhalation 2. Xcogitate 3. Xemplify 4. Xpectation 5. Xotica 6. Xogenous 7. Xpand 8. Xosphere 9. Xpedition

NPGMC Downloads
10. Silver Tongue 11. United States Of Division 12. Magnificent 13. The Dance

Jimi Hendrix Tribute Album Contribution (Official Release)
14. Purple House

NPG Music Club Samples
15. NPG Music Club "Xenophobia" Samples

Candy Dulfer Live - North Sea Jazz Festival, JVC Statenhal, The Hague : 13th July 2001 (Audience Recording EX-)
16. Xotica

Deane's Comments(rates this release 2.5/5.0)
Of course the sound is perfect as this is just stolen NPGMC material. However, the lower rating comes from the fact that I just really dont like the instrumentals. Once you listen to them once, thats enough. However the saving grace of this release is the NPGMC downloads and the Jimi Hendrix cover. I guess if you are a person that prefers pressed silver releases, then this might appeal to you.

Fink's Comments(rates this release 3.0/5.0)
Yes my friends, these tracks (with the exception of 2) have all been available through download on the NPG Music Club. However, this is just another example of where Prince has missed the boat, and really should have beat the bootleggers to it. Let's face it, a beautifully packaged CD release beats a CD-R full of MP3's anyday - no? My only problem with this release is that 'United States Of Division' & 'Purple House' are already available officially on CD - and partially over-step the fine line between bootlegging, and piracy. Also, the 'Xenophobia' samples are a useless waste of 20 seconds and should have been left off. The bonus of Candy Dulfer's performance of 'Xotica' is a nice touch though, and is an excellent (if a little hollow) audience recording. The packaging is the best part of the release. Beautiful, well thought out, and totally in keeping with the overall atmosphere of the tracks.

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