Utrecht 2CDR
Catalog #
Release Year   
2CDR Length 72:42 | 73:17
Date/Venue Utrecht, The Netherlands 23 December 1998 & August 1998 Rotterdam
G2P Rating 1/5.0

Track Listing
August 1998 Rotterdam, Holland
days of wild, thank u, u can sing it if u try, free, everyday people, The Jam , I want to take u higher
Utrecht, The Netherlands 23 December 1998
push it up, jam of the year, talking loud and sayin' nothing, let's work, delirious, purple rain, little red corvette, I would die 4 u, I could never take the place of your man, summertime, the christ, one of us, the one, chant, teddy bear, courtin' time, if I was your girlfriend, piano medley, nothing compares 2 u, take me with u, raspberry beret, Stand, Release yourself

Deane's Comments (rates this release 1/5.0)
A bad mixture of these two concerts.

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