Records Catalog # Release Year CD Length 76:00 Date/Venue NPG Outakes And Remixes Source Soundboard Quality VG/EX
G2P Rating 2.375/5.0
Track Listing Remixes And Outakes Orgasm, What's My Name, Erotic City
(Remix), When Doves Cry (Remix) NPG Outakes Slave (2 The System),
Super Hero - Outta Space, Mad, Funky Design Outakes Played On PA Before
1995 Shows Same December, 18 And Over, Zannalee, Empty Room, Pussy
Control, Billy Jack Bitch, Eye Hate U, Gold
Comments Deane's Comments(rates this release 2.25/5.0) The NPG
Outakes do not have Prince on vocals. The outakes played over PA have fairly
poor sound quality and vary little from official releases or versions on other
discs. The bright spots for me are the two remixes, which are more or less
updates of older songs. Funky packaging.
Dale's Comments(rates this release 2.5/5.0) At the
time that this came out it was a pretty cool release. Now the only thing that
stands out about it are the remixes which I have yet to see on another release.