Miami, FL Soundcheck 85 CD
Catalog # 4DF
Release Year  2009
CD Length 70:58
Date/Venue Miami,FL April 7, 1985 Soundcheck
Source Soundboard Recording
Quality EX++
Rating 5.0/5.0

Track Listing
Miami,FL April 7, 1985 Soundcheck
Controversy / Mutiny / I got some help I don’t need / Drums & Keyboards / Erotic City (instrumental) / Something In The Water / Body Heat / Strange Relationship / High Fashion / 17 Days Jam / Groove In A (instrumental) /Groove In F (instrumental)

Fink's Comments (rates this release 5.0/5.0)
The sound is pristine, the performance is brilliant and I can not imagine any other sound check or rehearsal every surpassign this one. This is far superior to the show that would follow it. Its incredible to think that this sound check is now over 30 years old and yet there is nothing dated about it, it is a testament to the incredible genius and talent of Prince.

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