DBE Catalog # 9-30-0201 Release Year 2001 US CDR Length
77:30 Date/Venue Unreleased Dream Factory Album Source Soundboard Quality EX
G2P Rating 4.5/5.0
Track Listing Visions, Dream Factory, Train, The Ballad of Dorothy Parker, It, Strange
Releationship, Slow Love, Starfish & Coffee, Interlude, I Could Never Take
The Place of Your Man, Sign O' The Times, Crystal Ball, A Place In Heaven, Last
heart, Witness 4 the Prosecution, Movie star, The Cross, All My Dreams
Comments Dale's Comments(rates this release
4.5/5.0) An excellent reworking of the unreleased
Dream Factory album. Much better sound than the previous Thunderball release,
along with beautiful packaging make this one a must. Many of the songs on this
release are the same as the officially released songs from SOTT, but many of
them are alternate versions as well. The song Train has to be one of the
best unreleased songs I have heard, it's a very catchy Pop tune that you'll find
yourself hummin' at work. Then there are the alternate versions of Strange
Relationship and I Could Never Take The Place of Your Man, they are only
slightly different than the official releases, but nice to hear none-the-less.
This album is supposed to be the final configuration of Dream Factory, just
before it was shelved. Whether or not this is the configuration that would have
been released can't really be said, just that this was the last configuration
before the project was canceled.