Black Funk Invitation 2CD
Watch Tower Records
Catalog # WT2002052/3
Release Year   
2CD Length 47:59 / 57:04
Date/Venue 1 Febuary 1989 Japan
Source Soundboard
G2P Rating /5.0

Track Listing
1 Febuary 1989 Sendai Japan
Intro, housequake, take the a, train, slow love, adore, delirious, jack u off, sister, do me, baby, adore, u got the look intro, i wanna be ur lover intro, girls & boys, a love bizarre, when u were mine, little red corvette, controversy, u got the look, superfunkycalifrexisexy, bob george, anna stesia, interlude, eye know, lovesexy, glam slam, the cross, i wish u heaven, kiss, dance on, drum solo, let's go crazy, when doves cry, purple rain, 1999, audience, alphabet street


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